The Terms and Conditions of Being- A Poem
i- Awareness
For the longest time
I didn’t think I’d be around for very long at all
Not really and maybe not ever,
At least not through the dreadful scope of the fall
It’s a strange thing to think about
Even stranger to put into words
Although I think if you know me even a little
That’s what I’ve always been doing
I’ve been screaming into the darkness for
The sake of a little boy who now might be heard
And that’s a strange concept
I know it even though I’ve committed to write
The idea that the things I create are little more
Than a useless attempt to reach myself
A part of me who can never hear me say
That it’s never going to get better
Not in the way you hope
It’s never going to get easier
Even though that’s how they all will say it goes
The clouds you used to love will hover
And the waters that you never swam will
Slowly drag you down
Until you drown
In the depths of who you’d always said you’d be
A child’s mind and a stupid wish
The ignorance that said that there’s no end
He couldn’t see
One where all wrong things for once went right
A world where he could just once look back
And see he’d lived a child’s life
Instead of always hoping
Instead of writing stories to both his older and younger self
Where things went right
Where he was happy
Somewhere other than the place that always
Was his lasting hell
Wouldn’t that be nice?
It would be, right?
How stellar would it be if after all of this
And where I’ve been
Just once I could be happy with my life.
And I know that it won’t happen
I know that even more than who I’ve been
Every step and every story told is just the empty man
A vacant space
Of who I’ve been and who I am
And the truth is that I never was a child
I was told great lies that I was an old soul
But I was just depressed
I was suicidal
And I didn’t know how to handle a single moment
Of who I am
So I was just a buffer, and that’s all
And I was a lost and flightless fly on every wall
Life spun on and formed false memories
That told me every bit of who I might still be
Something more than the tragic ending
And the sadness of it all.
I don’t wish that you could hear me.
I have no desire to ever cause you any pain
It’s just the simple child’s silent plea
That who I am is not just the simple fragment
Of something greater that you’ll never see.
It’s the crater
It’s the loss and it’s the void
It’s every little piece of me that I wrote about
In the hopes that this, my stupid dream
Would somehow bring me joy.
That of a child
That little dreaming thing I never was
I wish you knew how much it hurts
To be in every crowded room
And finite space
And just wish that I could be buried in my dirt
Right next to my memories
And every last false friend I had to make
And the simple truth that no matter what
After all these years
After all this pain
I was just a child who never once grew up
Someone who believed in monsters
Because then perhaps in the great night
He might find that there are angels too
And if they were there then so was he
And it would take the weight of the god damn world
To ever weigh him down
But it did.
It really did.
And isn’t that just the funniest thing
A simple dream my anxiety would never allow
Because I have lived every single moment
Every lasting second
Knowing who I am and who I’ve been
And that I’ll never make it out somehow.
I wish you could’ve seen me
I wish you could’ve seen me happy here.
But all of life is a child’s game
A broken board
And one I was too lost to ever learn to even play.
ii- Acceptance
I want you to understand
Perhaps more than anything else
That who I am and who I’ve been
Has never been anything other than
My understanding of my lacking self
I exist in a moment
A simple understanding of all that I have been
Something old and something past
Every last happiness and strangled grasp
Held tight to the fraying ropes of a story
That still just might begin
At the ending
At the fatal point where all things naturally end
I know that sounds repetitive
But there’s a more than equal chance that’s who I am
Someone in these empty pages
Just waiting to be filled in
With the thoughts and the moments
The likes and loves of a better man
And I know that might sound derogatory
And like a last insult
But I promise that it’s just the thought
Of a story at its end.
There is no part of me, not now, not again
That I do no longer know
I’m lost in a moment
A heartbeat that lasts forever now and then
I think that you might think of me
And every lasting moment that you’ve seen
But that doesn’t matter
Not really
Does it?
I hope that at this point, at this end,
I’m just a story
And I am the empty thing that’s always lost
In between this life and every simple hope
That never cared
Not once
About the finite of the human cost.
And see…I’m thinking about you as I write
You, the architect of every bit of our own risk
The pillar and the constant
Of this everything
And the everlasting of the lasting life.
It’s like you’re staring in silence
And every fading bit of who you are
Is showing as a moment
As one thing elating in a separate space
To differentiate you from the past you’ve been
And the man you were
To show you who you are
And what could be has been.
Do you think any of these words have ever happened by mistake?
I think, in the end
That might be the funniest thing
This truth that you think that I am swimming in a puddle
And not drowning in a lake
Lost in a moment
Lost in every bit of who I am
And nothing more than a shadow
Nothing but the failure that
A failing life has been and will end before I go
Into the ether
Into some place where I can rest
So far away from the pain I follow and the fragile things
That told me who I am just wouldn’t last
Sometimes I wish they were right.
I really do, even if this is acceptance
It’s my poem and my terms, so if you don’t like them
You’re welcome to leave
This is all I can do to stay alive
And even though what will be will be
I’d be lying if I said I enjoyed the ride
When I’ve lived every moment on a rollercoaster
On broken rails
Through rusted halls
And I’m afraid of heights.
And none of this matters
In the end I am little more than words on a page
Something to last, as a fire burning low
Until I find the end of my fleeting hourglass days
I hope it’s in the mountains
I hope more than anything it’s someplace quiet and deep
With whispers of great life all around us
The rush of wind as it winds through stalwart trees
The sound of birds in flight and the falling of the desperate dying leaves
The beautiful world that has housed me here
And I hope it’s always been happier than I’ve managed
And even happier than I’ve ever gotten to be.
iii- Finality
I heard it in a song once
The way great instrumentation slowly fades
And all I never knew right then was
That I’m little more than one last final note
That will only go away.
It fades into the distance
Last chords drowned out by all that’s been
The history of a failure
One here just to watch all the good dreams die
So close to where they never left
Held fast by roots in a dying ground that has run dry
I know I should’ve watered
Or found something that might have saved the soil I cracked
But I never knew how to be the man
Who was only ever going to be the last one left
Standing in the silence
Staring at the dreams that might still grow
Wishing more than anything that who I was
Is some base knowledge I might still come to know
That would’ve been something
What a world in which to live
Still a pointless place in a pointless life
But somewhere happiness, for a little while,
Could be a song that still might begin.
I know that I’m an artist
And I don’t care if I chose it or it chose me
There’s just the simple truth of it all
That the best things in life are words
And people
And every love that might still leave
Because nothing is permanent
Nothing that has been will ever stay
It doesn’t matter if you thought it would
It’s an invention of a human mind that will only ever betray
You in a moment
It’ll tell you everything you’d like to hear
That who you are is still enough and even then
No matter what
And when you need it most
All you’ll know is what’s been lost and all that’s no longer near
And I wish you could’ve been here
Even if it’s just for a moment that has passed
I wish we could’ve watched my dreams
And smiled even as they only always left
To be lost in the distance
To be with that old self that might still be
And I know even then, it wouldn’t last and
All I’d have to do is blink
Even as you stared
And when I’m back, it’s like you were never even there.
Maybe that would’ve been better
Maybe the best times are the ones that we forget
Maybe if I woke up one day and blinked into the rising light
I’d find that in the truest sense
You were never there
And I’ll finally be alright.
But I know I wouldn’t be.
I knew that and I know that even now
All I am is whispering things in the hope I might convince
The sad thing that lives in me
The one that’s anchored in dry earth
With the weight of a child, that nothing youth,
And the one that has never left.
I think I’d rather be that nothing
The plants that grew if just to die
I think that now, despite who I am
I’d rather be something that began
Instead of this
Instead of me
Instead of just a constant lacking end.
But I am.
Don’t you see that I’ve always been.
And I’m just a comet that missed the earth
And the only song that has ever played
Is the one I’ve never heard.