And Here We Go Again
This marks yet another iteration of the Luke Ganje Professional Experience. I've had blogs in websites in the past but I came to realize a few simple things in those months and years of trying to put keyboard to screen for the sake of prying eyes: I wasn't very good at what I was doing. Or at the very least, I wasn't very good just yet. And so it was that I spent countless hours churning out material that could only be described as "meh" or, on the good days, "eh".
Fortunately, this is a quality that has changed and risen over the years. Either that or my delusion has risen to such spectacular levels that I certainly think it has, so it really all amounts to the same things. As such, and as pointed out in this first blog title, here we go again. We're going to try this one more time while putting a fresh spin on all my pursuits and giving me a soapbox from which to rage against all things entertainment, philosophical, political, and personal. Because if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that nothing quite endears you to the public at large like voicing your opinions in a clearly disruptive and honest manner.
It's why I'm happily married and surrounded by a multitude of loyal friends.
(Note: I've recently been informed that I have neither of those things. Whether or not this is a consequence of the previous paragraph is unknown, so I recommend you tread carefully.)
I'd like to thanks my parents, for continually supporting me as I pursue unrealistic hopes and dreams. I'd like to thank the Earth and its atmosphere for providing me with petrichor, one of my few joys in life. And I'd like to thank myself, Luke Ganje, without whom none of this would be possible.
Buckle in, folks. Or don't. I am a wholehearted believer in individual rights so, bumpy ride or not, you're welcome to prepare for the adventure at hand however you like.