
I traveled every pitch black road to see the light in you

But even my sharpest rose-colored shard was somehow shaded blue.

The impossible flicker that sparked to life the worry I might care

That I would whisper into the night and find there’s no one there.

Sometimes if I close my eyes, I see you in the corner of my room

The space I once left empty for every word I might say to you.

The triumphs and the tragedies, every echo to shake the walls

With the time together I thought we’d have that became my autumn’s fall.

Of all the things I thought we’d be, false seasons were never one

The constant change of single waves, summer leaves charred in the sun.

To rise in haunted smoke signals and fall in words upon your skin

I never knew the game we played and so I’d never learned to win.

It all sounds trite and foolish, to be honest these things always do

I wish every little glimmer I saw in the darkness could be you.

But the lightbulbs now are dying and even the sun has gone away

And the shadows that I so wished were you even now must slowly fade.

Into the great unknowing, imagined lands of what might be

I cannot say I saw it coming, that nothing could somehow leave.

In the strangest ways it hurts to say, goodbye to an empty stare

And how I wish on the darkest nights that there was someone there.